Now the new bill restricts funding for Independents and minor parties. The Coalition has always enjoyed the advantage the unethical have over the even slighly more ethical. But let's not dump all the blame on the politicians. Many voters are happy to tut tut about climate policy but have a huge carbon footprint and no intention of doing anything about it.

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Thanks for this Michael, I agree it's disturbing that we get this information well after the fact, and most of it is hidden anyway. Just a point of correction - you say "Despite being the incumbent party of government federally, the Australian Labor Party received less than a third of what was raised by the Coalition from fossil fuel donors.". On the figures you show, they received a little over half. Doesn't change the main point, though. They can pander to fossil fuel interests all they like, they can never pander enough to be the favourite.

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Hi Jon,

Thanks for the feedback. I take your point, and have made a couple of minor edits for clarity. What I had considered are the $832,000 received by Labor and the $3 million or so received by the Coalition and its fundraising bodies. I consider donations to the Cormack Foundation and Laneway Assets to effectively be donations to the Coalition, as they are the beneficiaries.

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Yep, that makes more sense!

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